Our bamboo toothbrushes and kids dinnerware is made from species of bamboo that Pandas do not eat! Pandas eat a species called arrow bamboo. So you can be safe in the knowledge that we don't take any food or habitat from the pandas.
'A group of pandas is called an embarrassment!’ Just saying…

There are 1250 different species of bamboo. Our kid’s suction plates, suction bowls, bamboo sippy cup and straw cup are made from a species called Moso bamboo. The majority of commercial Moso farming takes place in China, where the species is indigenous. It’s much happier in that native climate. Grown without pesticides and little water, this bamboo plant grows up to 100 metres tall and is ready to harvest in around 6 years! Damn, I thought my kids were growing fast!
Moso bamboo is especially revered for its great size, impressive growth rate, and tremendous usefulness. Used primarily for flooring and kitchenware because of its hardiness and the fact that it does not swell as much as some timbers.
Just like our kids dinnerware, our kids toothbrushes and adults toothbrushes are made from the hardy Moso bamboo too , also known as Mao bamboo.
Bamboo is also biodegradable, which means your used plate, bowl, cup and toothbrush (minus the silicone and nylon bristles) will break down naturally rather than hang around in landfill for 1000 years!
How is this giant grass made into toothbrushes and dinnerware you ask? The bamboo is firstly naturally dried, then compressing it into blocks in a giant oven. Once the blocks are compressed, they are cut into small pieces which are manually carved against a mold, all residue is used to feed the ovens! After molding, comes a manual polishing stage then bamboo sealant which is an FDA approved food varnish to protect the bamboo and ensure it doesn't absorb water or colour. It is then placed back to natural resting in a climate controlled room. Our toothbrushes have no sealant so that’s why they look a little different from the kids dinnerware!
Great new guys!! The giant panda has now been removed from the ‘endangered’ list
Last year the giant panda status was downgraded from 'endangered' to 'vulnerable'. Panda populations have increased by 17% over the past decade thanks to the collaborative work of conservation and environmental groups, government and local communities in China.
While cause for celebration, the iconic bear remains vulnerable with their habitat threatened by poorly-planned infrastructure projects. With continued effort and investment, their numbers could continue to grow and provide hope to other endangered species.
(Source: WWF and National Geographic)