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Disposing of your Bamboo Toothbrush

How To Dispose of a Bamboo Toothbrush Properly

Buying one of our biodegradable bamboo toothbrush means there is one less plastic toothbrush potentially making it's way to our ocean or clogging up land fill.

Yes, biodegradable is better - but they still need to be disposed of or composted properly to maximum their environmental friendliness.

Here is a quick guide to help you dispose of your bamboo toothbrush to ensure it breaks down and returns to the earth as quickly as possible.

A shiny fresh toothbrush is much better at keeping your teeth shiny and minty-fresh too, so it's important to replace your toothbrush regularly.

While we've tested our toothbrushes to make sure they last up to six months of use, dentist advise is to change your toothbrush every two months (which is why our Year's Supply packs contain six brushes). It doesn't matter whether you use a bamboo toothbrush or a plastic one - the bristles get worn down and bacteria can build up all the same, even though the bamboo handle is naturally antibacterial.

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